This FUN time! actually happened a few days ago,which is the 1st of December..hee. I didnt have to type it then, so Im doing it now..hehe
Well,honestly,I didnt actually plan on going out wit my frenz that day.. I was at parent's shop at the Labuan International Sea Sports Complex, helping them out as I didnt have a SPM paper that day..Plus, I was waiting for my SPM Notes from Andrew Choo..U have heard of him right??
So,anyway, I was waiting for that to arrive and helping my parents out.. Around 12pm, I received a call from the PosLaju Delivery man asking if the shop was open..[The address I gave 2 Andrew Choo to send the book was my parent's shop address] I told it was, and he delivered my book soon after the phone call ended..
Since my mum saw that the book had already arrived, she made me study it by the coffee table in her office..
So I did..
I was reading..and reading.. Then suddenly my hp rang.. I picked it up, I was expecting Adlina's voice, as it was her name that appeared on my hp,but,instead it was Shafiqah's voice..[Adlina and Shafiqah are my classmates..Juz so u knw..;)] She[Shafiqah] asked me whether I was going to library or not.. I was surprised at first at her question and was wondering why she was asking me that.. I figured it just had to do something with Adlina being alone or something..
I told her,
"Entah lah P-Qah.. Sy nda pasti la sy dpt dtg atau tidak.. Kena tnya mumy sy dlu.. Nti la sy g taw kalo sy dpt atau tidak'
She then pujuk me dtg..she told me
" Dtg la Kim.. Dorang smua ada kat cni.. Adlina, Shahrom,Amirul, c Khai,c Alwee.."
I winced. She just had to use Khai's name.. Its not like I have a crush on him or anything,coz I soo do not..
And its not becoz I go 'gaga' over him,coz Im not the kind that goes 'gaga' over a guy.. Its just that,well, I dont exactly knw wht..
I told Shafiqah that I would think about it and ask my mum,then I would tell her whether I could go or not...
After the conversation ended, I asked my mum whether I could go.. Like any other parent, she asked who was there so I told her.. To my surprise, she said Ok,...
So after having lunch at the food stall near the shop, my mum dropped me off at the library.. I put my bag away, took my science notes and went up the stairs of the library.. Once upstairs, I took a peek inside before walking in.
Damn I thought. Its quite full.. And, I could not see Adlina anywhere.. So I smsed her, asking her where she was..
She replied saying
"Kaw cari jax c Shahrom.. Sy ada tu d sna kt meja dorang.."
I went in, and looked for him.. I saw him soon after walking in.. Then I saw Adlina, and as I was walking to their table, Shahrom acknowledge my presence to Adlina by saying
"Tu na c Kim sudah dtg.. Sy ngan Khai turun dlu arh ke tnds.."
Not much conversation after that.. Juz me telling Adlina what Shafiqah told me to get me to go to the library..
My guess was right.. The only reason she called me was becoz Shafiqah had to leave early, and Adlina didnt want to be alone with the rest of her frenz who were all guys.. I wasnt mad though at Shafiqah for doing so,I mean,after all,I needed to study anyway,and the library is the best place to do it. hehee.. :)
When Shahrom and Khai came back..,that was when the FUN time! began.. hehe..^^ It started off as studying,occasionally talking,asking questions bout this and that..
Then,somehow, I dont exactly knw how, we were all [Amirul,Khai,Adlina,Shahrom,Alwee and me] suddenly talking,and laughing [loud enough for the woman at the counter in the library to hear] gleefully.. hehe.. Luckily for us,she just ignored it.. We were talking bout all sorts of stuff.. Bout 'ghosts', 'haunted places' and all that.. Wht road to avoid at night in Labuan.. All that.. It was sooo funny what the guys say the would do if they were you-know-what..
We practically didnt study at all! LOL :D Then Khai said he felt cold, so he and Shahrom went outside once again, to heat up.. When they came back, Khai borrowed Alwee's jacket as he was cold..
I have to admit,wht he did after that was quite cute..
He was getting sleepy and soon his head was on the table..We just watched him for awhile as the conversation continued as before.. Then he did the cutest thing.. He suddenly woke up, and he had this sleepy look on his face and he rubbed his eyes with his hand in the way that a child that wakes up after a very long nap.. It was so cute! When his vision cleared and he could see all of us, he gave us a funny look and asked
"Pa yg kmu smua tgk ni??"
Adlina then said
" Ee..,Khai! Cutenya kaw buat mcm tu....ehehehe"
I was soo glad she was the one that said that.. I didnt have the guts to do so..
Then Alwee sokong Adlina by saying..
"Awu Khai.. Cutennyya kaw mcm tuu..."
LOL! hehehe
Khai just replied
"Eh..Mana ada laa.."
But he was really blushing..
Tambah lagi la me and my frens teased him bout how cute he looked when he did what he did a moment ago..
That continued for a while,then we stopped..
After awhile, Khai mentioned that he was hungry..
I was wondering he didnt go out and eat when I remembered that they told me it was still raining outside..
I hadnt even noticed it was raining!
Then Adlina jokingly said that I should belanja them all mkn..
When I heard that, I was all
"Say whaaat??"
But then I thought bout it, it wouldnt cost me much if we ate at Pizza Hut,in fact it would be so much cheaper than everyone ordering their own drink + their own choice of meal..
So, I thought bout it.. I decided to do it,since I was also very hungry,and besides,it wouldnt kill me to spend bout RM50 on me and my frenz lunch rite?
So I told Adlina in a whisper I agreed and she told the others too.. I think Shahrom sort of menolak and so did Khai [they probably thought I was joking] so Adlina said to them..
"Kim belanja d pizza ni.."
Shahrom didnt reply or maybe he did but I didnt hear him coz all I heard after this was..
"Bha..tak maw sudah.."
Then I walked with her down the steps of the library and took my bag.. I could hear them quickly coming down and out the door of the library..I turned around and saw them getting ready to walk under the rain :) to UK.. Me and Adlina both thought that we were all going to be walking together, but then Khai said he brought his motorbike, so he wasnt going to walk with us.. We thought nothing of it, though we all wished we didnt have 2 walk under the rain... We didnt mind the rain, but, it was really muddy,and on the road, there were puddles everywhere,so, crossing the street in this kind of weather is a nightmare..
We did anyway,and to tell u the truth, walking under the rain is.. Well, fun!cooling!wet! hehehe :)
Not the raining cats and dogs rain though..(^^,)
In less than 5 minutes, we finally reached UK.. While Adlina and I went to a ATM machine, the guys [Shahrom and Alwee, Amirul had to go home early] walked around UK, waiting for Khai I guess..
After that, I called Alwee and asked where he was then told him to tell the others to go to Pizza Hut..
As me and Adlina were walking there, we saw them on the escalator going to the 1st floor of UK.. So,we walked together there although the guys for some reason,were slower than usual.. Me and Adlina didnt think much of it and continued walking towards Pizza Hut.. Once there, we went in and sat waayy at the back of the restaurant.. When we sat down, I expected to see the guys right behind us. Instead we saw them still outside of Pizza Hut.[U can the pizza hut restaurant from outside,as the glass is not tinted] We motioned to them to come in, they just stood there, looking at us akwardly for awhile before coming in..
We later found why when they confessed to us that they were embarassed that I belanja them mkn at Pizza Hut.. They said that they thought me and Adlina were only kidding and didnt expect us to actually go through with it.. We just smiled and teased them that they will be embarassed later when the waiter/waitress came to give the bill because we[me and Adlina]knew that the guys will be thinking that they should be the ones to pick up the bill, not me.. [They are gentlemen after all :)]
After a few laughs, we ordered and then chatted some more as we waited for the food to arrive.. We talked about school,SPM,our plans after SPM and all that.. We also had a brief flashback on the cute things that Khai did at the library.. LOL :P
I found out that Shahrom planned to continue his study in West Malaysia and so did Khai and Alwee.. Me and Adlina both grumbled that we wanted to continue our study also in West Malaysia, BUT our parents wouldnt let us do so.. Adlina could only further her studies either in Labuan,Sabah or Sarawak.. No where else.. The same was for me.., and when we told the guys this.. They laughed. We didnt mind much, but we just gave them an annoyed look as we thought it was unfair for our parents for letting us study there.
They replied to this saying [giving us the cheeky smile]
"Biasa la.. Kamu kn perempuan.. Memang la susah sikit.. Tak mcm kami.. Mana2 sja blh.. hehehe "
I gave them another annoyed look before telling them that I had actually planned to study in KL, and that I was going to study there no matter what it took..
The only response I got from that was a surprised look from Khai,luckily, he didnt say anything to that.
Then Adlina said she wanted to take pictures to remember this day, we didnt have a chance 2 take all of us, only the guys, but, we didnt mind..
Just then,the drinks arrived at the table.. I was about to pour the drinks when Khai took the jug and started pouring..into my glass.. I just stared at it, not meeting anyone's eyes as I had a feeling I knew what they were going 2 say..
Adlina was the first to do so.
She coughed a little..
Then said "Ahem2.. C kim bha dlu dia kasi..ehehe.."
I avoided meeting her eyes as I was blushing though I have no idea why..
Khai just smiled and said
"Tu tuk bos pertama.. Yang ini untuk bos kedua..[pouring the drink into Adlina's glass]
Pastu bos ketiga [Shahrom] Then he stopped a while as
Alwee said
"Wuina.. Jgn2 sy bos yg terakhir Khai..hehe"
Khai responded by almost pouring into his glass,but then he changed position and poured into Alwee's glass..
Conversation continued soon after that.
Soon,the pizza arrived.. At first, all of us stared at one another..Urging the other to eat first..
[Biasa la kan.. Mula2 malu2.. hehehe :)]
Then,finally,I think it was Khai who broke the 'argument'[bout who should eat first] and took one pizza..
After him, we all took turns taking the pizza..
Conversation still continued with funny stories, our plans for the future, a few flashbacks to the past.. We were mostly just having fun and enjoying our lunch.. When lunch was almost over, I got up to go to the counter to pay the bill, it was RM53.00
And as I paid the bill, I knew that was best investment I made..
That was a small price 2 pay for the happy memory that I know I will always remember in Pizza Hut. I rarely did this with my friends anymore, I thought to myself on my way back to the table. I'm glad I did it 2day with them..
As I sat back down, another argument was going on who should eat the last pizza.. They all said that I should eat it, but I was really full, so I didnt and in the end, Khai was the one who ate the last pizza..
Although our meals were done, we still sat there talking..
There is one funny conversation that I will always remember..
Adlina was asking Shahrom something about a car and whether he could drive back 2 her aunt's house, or something like that..
Shahrom said
"Mana blh.. Nti tu kereta senget tu .. Sebab ia tak seimbang..ehehehehee"
Adlina just gave him an annoyed look and I really couldnt help myself
but said to Shahrom
"Tapi..,kaw kan ada... Seimbang la tu kereta.. eheheheh "
Then I gave him a lopsided grin as all of them laughed at what I had said.. hehehe :)
Adlina then said
''Nah kan.. Baru kaw taw.. kaw kena blik..wakakakaka"
We all couldnt stop laughing for 'bout 5 minutes.. It was so funny! LOL! :D
When we did stop laughing, my mind kept playing that scene over and over again.. Its still playing over and over again as Im doing this blog now.. ehehehe..^^
Its hard to forget it, and Im hoping it will stay that way for a long,long,long time.. :)
Soon,after resting from all that laughing, we left Pizza Hut and went our separate ways.. Alwee followed Khai as Khai was sending him home, Shahrom disappeared somewhere, and me and Adlina walked back to the library to wait for our ride home...
Once there, she told me stuff that I wont type here as its private.. I advised her as best as I could and hoped for the best... My ride soon came and I waved goodbye to her as the car pulled away from the library..
I thought bout what had happened that day, and was glad that it had happened.. :)
Basically,thats what happened that day.. Im soo glad it happened! I have never been happier than that day!
Welll,gotta go now.. Feeling tired from typing all of this.. hehehe :)
Sayonara and Good Nite!
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